
State transitions

Alarm States and Severities are defined in module.

With PyAlarm > 6.1; GUI will read the current Alarm state from the AlarmList attribute.

For compatibility with older versions, the events of ActiveAlarms will be used instead:

  • If ActiveAlarms doesn’t cotain tag, will be 0, state = NORM
  • Activealarms contains tag, = activealarms timestamp, state = ACTIVE
  • ActiveAlarms is None or Exception, will be set to -1. state = ERROR

Disabled States

Their meanings are:

  • OOSRV = Device server is Off (not exported), no process running
  • DSUPR = Enabled property is False
  • SHLVD = Alarm is listed in DisabledAlarms attribute (temporary disabled)
  • ERROR = Device is alive but the alarm is not being evaluated (exported=1 and thread dead or exception).