
PANIC 7.3.0

solve disabled bug, add event pushing save regexp of userfilters between () allow multiple disable/acknowledge Merge branch ‘documentation’ fix

7.2.3 - fix bug on snaps widget 7.2.2 - fix bug when UserTimeout is not specified 7.2.1 - Merge panic-wiki-links by s2Innovation

PANIC_DEFAULT deprecated as option Merge branch ‘S2Innovation-panic-2-wiki-links’ into develop Solve bug on empty PanicUserTimeout property Merge branch ‘panic-2-wiki-links’ of into S2Innovation-panic-2-wiki-links

7.2.0 - added back taurus3 compatibility, solved bug on history widget

7.1.2 - Solved bugs at gui startup

7.1.1 - Solved bugs on server init, add

7.1.0 - Merged pull requests from github

S2Innovation: Solve -r problems, added MailRDashOptio for backwards compatibility Gabriel Jover: Add Telegram messaging, using SendTelegram command and TGConfig property Daniel Roldan: patch in for Debian packaging

7.0.0 AlarmHandler compatibility, use TANGO properties instead of PyAlarm class

6.5.1 Fixes on new/delete alarms by s2innovation

6.5.0: Fix New Alarm button bug

“New Alarm” button fix by S2innovation Improve Status Message update kpi

6.4.1: solved high cpu issues in pyalarm

Solve High CPU bug: init_callbacks(50ms) added to panic.engine and PyAlarm fix case bug in panic.view.check_multi_host Avoid api.devices clear during load, do 1by1 update instead

Temporary patch: Multiple disabling/ack disabled to prevent PyAlarm exceptions. see CS4-526 Add Enabled sorting as “PreCondition” to sort alarms by operation modes Solve bugs on editing formulas or looking at remote values remove unnecessary imports Solve bug on writing arrays on ACTION Execute SNAP/actions on DEBUG Alarms (only sms ignored) Add warning on reset of active alarms Remove unused severity checkboxes from main window (replaced by priority filter) Force devices update on PhoneBook values change remove wrong multi-host warning Return exception strings on evaluation from client

Add warnings on modifying Device config, unify calls on gui/editor Add exceptions on wrong tag name, use UNACK as active state Extend regexp syntax to key=value and & clauses add minimal widget for panic system status

PANIC 6.3.1

PANIC 7 GUI is ready. PanicEngine/PanicViewDS devices are pending.

Added QAlarmPanels, searches and userfilters to GUI

Zillions of bugs solved.

PANIC 6.2.1

IEC & Elettra compatibility, QAlarmPanel widget, new GUI usable

AlarmSummary/GetAlarmInfo added to PyAlarm for GUI connection; format agreed with Elettra for cross-compatibility Requires Fandango > 13.2 Alarm States and Fields renamed to match IEC terminology New GUI using AlarmView to query attribute values as arrays, AlarmView backwards compatibility with Panic <6 Performance improvement using latest Fandango (cached DB/DeviceProxy searches) Split and refactor gui module in gui/actions/views New Alarm object state machine based on json-like arrays (AlarmSummary) Increase ERROR alarms visibility Allow ‘~’ for negated regexp searches New QAlarmPanel widget New methods for .json exporting / web browsing Many GUI bugs solved Add ArchivingBrowser launcher to toolbar Solve validation issues on AlarmForm editor API refactoring, solved internal imports problem


Package refactored to build valid system/PIP/rpm packages PANIC Migrated to github. Development moved to develop branch, stable to master

Main new features:

  • enhanced logs and actions
  • properties managed in the API side
  • added multiple test cases
  • added GlobalReceivers and Defines
  • logs: record local or remote using text or json
  • enabled plugin methods for user validation
  • solved many, many bugs

Dropped features from this release:

  • gui refactoring
  • alarm collections
  • IEC compliance (in progress)
  • kibana integration

Summary of changes since PANIC 5.4 (Last Sourceforge release):

PyAlarm device server:

All panic times are now seconds, added deprecated message for pollings in milliseconds Quality of failed alarms set to INVALID (~DISABLED)

Solve bug on PyAlarm.GenerateReport command Solve bug on “zombie” alarm deleted/removed Move Reset notification to send_alarm() Replace phonebook entries on ACTION receivers reload global_receivers on init()

free_alarm and send_alarm methods refactored for better actions Added SendAlarm as command kill/pause events added Added MemUsage/LastUpdate attributes Properties definition moved to Add invalid quality to disabled alarms Add FAULT state when many alarms are failed Add LastUpdate and MemUsage attributes Avoid update_locals to reread attributes if check=False Add receiver defines: $ALARM/TAG/NAME/DEVICE/DESCRIPTION/VALUES/REPORT/DATE/JSON

Implement Pause() command and kill/pause methods for thread management. LogFiles capable of saving remotely using fandango.device.FolderDS

Solved bugs on trigger_action (see documentation on github) Properties definition moved to Added global receivers property Add Reports Cache, refactor send_alarm logging Refactor PyAlarm.parse_receivers Alarm actions will be executed before mail and snapshot. Added replacement of $DESCRIPTION,$ALARM in actions

New panic Icon Reduce gui dependencies to speed up startup GUI adapted to Taurus 4 launcher renamed to just “panic” Solve GUI bug on empty ActiveAlarms attribute Solve getParams deprecation on Taurus4 Added User login access via UserValidator widget


Logging added to AlarmAPI Added Alarm.disabled flag to_dict and ping() methods for Alarms and AlarmDS objects get_active_alarms() method added to AlarmDS AlarmDS.Enable/Disable methods now can enable both Devices and individual Alarms Added export_to_csv and export_to_dict API methods panic.Evaluate() timeout set to 1000. allow multiple filters on GlobalReceivers Add test cases for Group/Action/Clock/Reset Solve API bug on empty receivers Solve bug on AlarmAPI.put_db_properties (Wrote to device instead of free property) Solve bug in AlarmsAPI.get_global_properties Solved bug on phonebook parsing Group macro refactored (see documentation/recipes) Add api.split_formula() Change api.evaluate() timeout and checks

Release 5.4 - 2015/12

Changes in API and device server to solve several multi-host evaluation issues. Small patches required by SKA project.

Release 5.2 - New evaluate() from API/GUI, added user admins for alarms

evaluate() method adapted to be usable by GUI and test evaluation on a remote PyAlarm device Bug solved on SentEmails recording.

Release 5.1 - May 2015

PyAlarm: added try/except to update_locals() method API: get_admins_for_alarm() method added to enable some minimal access control.

Release 5.0 - May 2015

NOTE: Requires Fandango update, to use NaN values and new TangoEval macros

API: Improved group macro to use only cached values for evaluation API: Improved caselessness on API Eval: Added EvalTimes dictionary to keep the time needed on each EvaluateFormula() call. Eval: Added DEVICE, ALARMS, PANIC objects to locals() Eval: Added own Attribute values to Eval cache to avoid deadlocks when evaluating itself Enabled property, converted from string to DevVarStringArray to allow time and formulas Attributes: Removed locks from read methods (UI was locking the evaluation trend), lock is needed only on write/update actions Solved bug that didn’t send VALUES on State/Attribute exception RethrowAttribute, from boolean to string to allow choosing False/0/NaN/None Emails: solved problems string arrays and ‘r’ and ‘”’ characters Traces: shortened strings

Release 4.20

@pending: solve threads and UseProcess issues MaxAlarmsPerDay property removed (was unused) Added new GROUP macro to formula evaluation. SnapContext: Using modify instead of create context when this already exists Added methods to taurus-like get_model from alarms Email report refactored to show values in rows and parse state values. Added methods do import/export alarm configurations from .csv files EvaluateFormula converted in a Tango command callable by clients Solved bugs using SNAP as receiver. Snap: Using newest context when several match the alarm name Eval cache reduced to AlarmThreshold+1 to adjust .delta to AlarmThreshold Solved bug in SMS sending when source contains non-alpha characters

Release 4.19 @pending: solve threads and UseProcess issues Solved bugs in alarm parsing, loading .csv and loading alarms from device Added AlarmValueLabel widget

Release 4.18 Disable screen in launch script, replaced by Tango logging Added DDebug device for debugging threads AlarmsAPI.load() time consumption reduced to avoid timeouts RethrowState=False and RethrowAttribute=False will disable exception propagation from TangoEval, it allows to manage exceptions as None in the alarm formulas. Added IgnoreExceptions property Using polling period instead of timeout as keeptime on TangoEval Renamed method get_attribute_values to get_last_values

In AlarmAPI:

Added filter_alarms, export_to_csv, modify methods get/filter* methods modified to allow custom alarm lists Bugs solved in load_from_csv getCurrent will return last API instance used

Added IgnoreExceptions property children() replaced by get_basic_alarms method parse_variables replaced by parse_attributes and evaluate()

Release 4.17 2013/09/09

Added VersionNumber attribute Added methods Status/dev_status to remove automatic messages on qualities. Added self.update_locals() for a better update of alarm values, periods and conditions reviewed. fandango.threads.WorkerProcess has been optimized, PyAlarm modified to use new pause method Methods returning sorted lists

Release 4.16

References to taurus removed if UseTaurus property is False (default) Minimum polling reduced to 250 ms Using panic.PyAlarmDefaultProperties to have consitency between api/gui/device Solved bug that caused timeouts on alarm exception (time wait before finally clause) Disable method is now capable to disable alarms only for TIMEOUT argument If Enabled property is an integer, alarm changes will be ignored for INT seconds at startup; it should allow to restart devices w/out resending all active alarms; a ResetAll() can be used to rethrow all messages if wanted. CheckDisabled will manage alarm reactivation after timeout

The Panic module has been renamed to panic; several bugs have been solved and methods for enabling/disabling alarms have been added.

4.15 September 2012 Disabled LogFile by default BETA: Cache added to TangoEval to try alarm on transition.

4.14, September 2012 Added StartupDelay property Bugs solved in Snap context creation. Added user message to alarm RESET emails.