

Since v1.0 implementation MUST provide upgrade to h2 protocol (HTTP/2.0). Practically this means that implementation MUST support only https scheme and MAY support http (HTTP/1.1).

For proper https support implementation MUST be supplied with a valid SSL certificate (OpenSSL). For development a self-signed certificate will do the trick, but for production implementation SHOULD be supplied with properly signed certificate.

API version and Security

api_version follows URL prefix and defines which version of this API supports current implementation.


GET /tango/rest =>


GET /tango/rest/non_existing_version => HTTP 404

All resources under api_version must be protected and require an authentication (specification allows non-protected resources but this is strictly not recommended).

Implementation SHOULD implement some of the standard WWW-Authenticate types.

For instance, when protected by Basic:

GET /tango/rest/v1.0 =>

WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Tango-Controls Realm"


In case of Basic any unauthorized request to any protected resource under rest/api_version must get HTTP 401 Not Authorized response and follow the standard Web Basic Authorization mechanism.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: consider integration with TangoAccessControl so that each request is validated against it.


Any response can be supplied with a filter parameter:




GET /{any}?filt er={fld1}&filter= {fld2}&...[filter =!{fld1}&filter=! {fld2}&...]

Depends on the response type: JSONArray or JSONObject

response contains only required fields (or inverse)

This one shows only name and server fields;

GET /devices/sys/tg_test/1?filter=name&filter=server:

                        "name": "string_scalar"
                        "name": "long_scalar_w"

This one shows everything except info and properties fields:

GET /devices/sys/tg_test/1/attributes?filter=!info&filter=!properties:

        "name": "long_scalar_w",
        "name": "string_scalar",





GET /{any colle ction}?range={sta rt}-{end}


responses with sub-collection extracted from the original

Implementation MUST include “Accept-Ranges: items” for collection like resources e.g. devices list. Also it MUST include “X-size” response header to indicate how many items are in the collection.

GET /hosts/localhost/devices
Accept-Ranges: items


NOTE: we can not use standard Content-Length header here because it is strictly bound to bytes i.e. client may shrink incoming response hence partial JSON and JSONParse exception.

Client includes “Range” header into request to specify the desired range of the collection, while implementation MUST include “Content-Range” header:

GET /hosts/localhost/devices?range=10-20
HTTP 206
Content-Range: items 10-20/26


For instance,

GET /hosts/localhost/devices?range=0-25

will display only the first 25 devices of a particular Tango host

Implementation MUST respond with 416 in case Range is not satisfiable.


Implementation MUST provide Cache-Control headers for Tango resources. Implementation MUST add max-age-millis Cache-Control extension to specify cache delay in millis.

Implementation SHOULD distinguish between fast changing and slow changing values. For instance a list of available devices may be considered as slow changing value and cached for a longer time. Also slow changing values may be cached publicly.

Implementation SHOULD export configuration parameters for cache delays and etc

GET /hosts/localhost/devices

HTTP 200

Cache-Control: no-transform, max-age=300, max-age-millis="300000"
Expires: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 11:06:11 GMT
ETag: AC6CB07B377F93434998D8556D60A575


GET /hosts/localhost/devices/sys/tg_test/1/attributes/double_scalar_ro

HTTP 200

Cache-Control: no-transform, max-age=0, max-age-millis="200"
Expires: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 11:06:11 GMT
ETag: AC6CB07B377F93434998D8556D60A575



Most of the errors that happen inside implementation usually indicate invalid request e.g. request of a non-existent attribute or writing a value of a wrong type. Hence implementation MUST respond with HTTP 400:

GET /devices/sys/tg_test/1/attributes/throw_exception

HTTP 400

            "description":"sys/tg_test/1 proxy has throw an exception",
            "origin":"DeviceProxy#readAttribute sys/tg_test/1/throw_exception"
    "quality": "FAILURE",
    "timestamp": 123456789

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: any exception that can be handled on the server side must be handled, i.e. a proper JSONObject must be returned.


Unauthorized request – client has failed to provide valid credentials


Resource does not exist e.g. GET devices/x/y/z should return status code 404 if x/y/z is not defined in th Tango db.


In case range is not satisfiable or range is invalid e.g. “5-1”


Tango REST server crashes - indicates bug in the REST server


In case of REST server receives CORBA timeout it returns 503 if upstream server does not respond within the specified timeout. In case of event subscription may indicate that there is no event though i.e. is not a failure.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: server should not log any error except 500 when it is a server’s failure.