Intended audience: administrators, developers, Programming language: C++

Configuration Manager interface

In order to address large archiving systems the need to distribute the workload over a large number of event subscriber shows up. The configuration manager device server will assist in the operations of adding, editing, moving, deleting an attribute from the archiving system. All the configuration parameters, such as polling period, variation thresholds etc., are kept in the database as properties of the archived attribute. In order to be managed by the device server each instance has to added to the pool using the ArchiverAdd command.

The configuration manager shall be able to perform the following operations on the managed pool:

  1. manage the request of archiving a new attribute

    • setup the attribute’s archive event configuration

    • assign the new attribute to one of the device servers

      • following some rules of load balancing
      • to the specified device server
  2. move an attribute from a device server to another one

  3. keep trace of which attribute is assigned to which

  4. start/stop the archiving of an attribute at runtime

  5. remove an attribute from archiving

The configuration shall be possible via the device server API as well as via a dedicated GUI interface; the GUI just use the provided API.

The ConfigurationManager may also expose a certain number of attributes to give the status of what is going on:

  • total number of Archivers
  • total number of working attributes
  • total number of faulty attributes
  • total number of calls per second

These attributes could be themselves archived to enable a follow up versus time.

More in detail the device server exposes the following interface.


The available commands are summarized in commands-table.

ArchiverAdd add a new archiver instance to the archivers list; the instance must have been already created and configured via jive/astor and the device shall be running
ArchiverRemove remove an archiver from the list; neither the device instance nor the attributes configured are removed from the database
AttributeAdd add an attribute to archiving
AttributeAssign assign attribute to an archiver
AttributeGetArchiver return the archiver in charge of attribute
AttributePause pause archiving specified attribute
AttributeRemove remove an attribute from archiving; the archived data and the attribute archive event configuration are left untouched
AttributeSearch return list of attributes containing input pattern
AttributeStart start archiving an attribute
AttributeStatus read attribute archiving status
AttributeStop stop archiving an attribute
AttributeUpdate update context of an already archived attribute
Context set context to all managed archivers
ResetStatistics reset statistics the configuration manager of and all archivers

Table 1: Configuration Manager Commands.

Note that the list of managed archivers is stored into the ArchiverList device property that is maintained via the ArchiverAdd, ArchiverRemove and AttributeSetArchiver commands. Therefore in the archiving system the device server instances can also be configured by hand, if required, an run independently.


The attributes of the configuration manager are summarized in attributes-table.

ArchiverContext return archiver context
ArchiverList return list of managed archivers
ArchiverStatisticsResetTime seconds elapsed since last statistics reset
ArchiverStatus return archiver status information
AttributeFailureFreq total number of failures per time
AttributeMaxPendingNumber max number of attributes waiting to be archived (all archivers)
AttributeMaxProcessingTime max processing time (all archivers)
AttributeMaxStoreTime max storing time (all archivers)
AttributeMinProcessingTime min processing time (all archivers)
AttributeMinStoreTime min storing time (all archivers)
AttributeNokNumber total number of archived attribute in error
AttributeNumber total number of attributes configured for archiving
AttributeOkNumber total number of archived attribute not in error
AttributePausedNumber total number of paused attributes
AttributePendingNumber total number of attributes waiting to be archived
AttributeRecordFreq total number of records per time
AttributeStartedNumber total number of started attributes
AttributeStoppedNumber total number of stopped attributes
SetAbsoluteEvent set archive absolute thresholds; for archiving setup
SetArchiver support attribute for setup
SetAttributeName support attribute for setup
SetCodePushedEvent specify event pushed in the code
SetContext set archiving context; for archiving setup
SetPeriodEvent set archive period; for archiving setup
SetPollingPeriod set polling period; for archiving setup
SetRelativeEvent set archive relative thresholds; for archiving setup
SetTTL set time-to-live for temporary storage; for archiving setup

Table 2: Configuration Manager Attributes.

The SetXxxYyy attributes are used for archive event and archiver instance configuration setup and must be filled before calling the AttributeAdd command. The AttributeAdd checks the consistency of the desired event configuration and then adds the new attribute to the archiver instance specified with SetArchiver. Then the AttributeAdd command creates the required entries into the historical database.

Class properties

LibConfiguration configuration parameters for backend support library
MaxSearchSize max size for AttributeSearch result

Table 3: Event Subscriber Class properties.

Device properties

ArchiverList list of existing archivers
LibConfiguration configuration parameters for backend support library
MaxSearchSize max size for AttributeSearch result

Table 4: Configuration Manager device properties.