Intended audience: administrators, developers, Programming language: C++

HDB++ Design and implementation

Author: Lorenzo Pivetta

Below, details on deployment and configuration of the HDB++ service are provided. For overview, see HDB++ of Tools and Extensions section.

HDB++ Contributions


The is a novel device server for Historical Data Base (HDB) archiving. It’s written in C++ and is fully event-driven.


R. Bourtembourg, J.M. Chaize, F.Poncet, J.L. Pons, P.Verdier, D.Lacoste - ESRF
C.Scafuri, G.Scalamera, G.Strangolino, L.Zambon - ELETTRA


Date Rev. Author  
2012-12-04 1.0 L.Pivetta First release
2013-01-29 1.1 L.Pivetta Merged suggestions from ESRF
2013-01-31 1.2 L.Pivetta Cleanup
2013-05-10 1.3 L.Pivetta Revision after HDB++ meeting on 2013.03.14
2014-01-30 1.4 L.Pivetta details + Extraction library
2014-03-07 1.5 L.Pivetta Database interface
2014-05-05 1.6 L.Pivetta Cleanup, full ES and CM doc
2014-07-28 1.7 L.Pivetta Revision after HDB++ meeting on 2014.06.25
2016-08-12 1.8 L.Pivetta Revision after HDB++ meeting on 2016.05.10

Historical Database

The Historical Database is a tool that allows to store the values of Attributes into a database. The core implements an event-based interface to allow device servers to publish the data to be archived. The archive event can be triggered by two mechanisms:

  • delta_change: the attribute value changed significantly
  • periodic: at a fixed periodic interval

The configuration parameters of each attribute, i.e. polling period, delta change thresholds, archiving period, are defined as properties in the database. In addition the archive event can be manually pushed from the device server code.

For additional information concerning the event subsystem please refer to The Control System Manual Version 9.2.

HDB++ TANGO Device Server

The architecture is composed by several TANGO devices. More in detail, at least one, but actually many, EventSubscriber TANGO device jointly with one ConfigurationManager device TANGO and one or more DataExtraction TANGO device are foreseen in a TANGO facility.

The EventSubscriber device, also called archiver device, will subscribe to archive events on request by the ConfigurationManager. The EventSubscriber will be able to start archiving all the already configured events even if the ConfigurationManager is not running. The EventSubscriber device must have the following characteristics:

  1. the archiving mechanism is event-based, thus the EventSubscriber device tries to subscribe to the event; an error means a fault. A transparent re-subscription to the faulty event is required.
  2. one additional thread is in charge of events subscription and call-back execution; the call back, acting as producer, must put the complete data of the received events in a FIFO queue; the thread and the callback must be able to handle an arbitrary number of events, possibly limited just by the available memory and/or the required performance; moreover, a high-mark threshold must be setup on the FIFO in order to alert for an overloaded Event Subscriber
  3. one additional thread, acting as consumer of the FIFO, is in charge of pushing the data into the database back-end, preserving the event data time-stamp; the code to access the database engine shall be structured to allow the use of different back-ends (Timescaledb, MySQL, Oracle, etc…)
  4. the device server methods, commands and attributes, must allow to perform the following operations:
    • start the archiving for all attributes
    • stop the archiving for all attributes
    • start the archiving for one attribute
    • stop the archiving for one attribute
    • read the number of attributes in charge
    • read the list of attributes in charge
    • read the configuration parameters of each attribute
    • read the number of working attributes
    • read the list of working attributes
    • read the number of faulty attributes
    • read the list of faulty attributes with diagnostics
    • read the size of the FIFO queue
    • read the number of attributes pending in the FIFO
    • read the list of attributes pending in the FIFO

The list of attributes in charge of each EventSubscriber is stored in the database as property of the device.

The EventSubscriber device must be able to run and report on the working/faulty attributes/events by means of the standard API (commands and/or attributes) without the need of a graphical interface.

The diagnostics of faults could also be stored in the general info about each attribute; the diagnostics are used by the EventSubscriber device itself to detect that some data is not being stored as requested. Moreover, whenever the archive event period for a given Attribute has been configured, the device server checks that at least the one archive event/period is received; if not, a error is raised and the Attribute marked as faulty (NOK).

Stopping the archiving of an attribute does not persist after a restart, i.e. restarting an EventSubscriber device instance triggers the archiving of all configured attributes. A property can be setup not to start archiving at startup.

Note: A new Context based mechanism has been introduced to label and automatically start/stop archiving for groups of attributes depending on the specified archiving strategy. See Context description below.

One NULL value with time stamp is inserted whenever the archiving of an attribute is stopped, due to error or by a specific stop command. Moreover, if an error occurred, the corresponding attribute is marked as faulty in the archiving engine and the error description stored. In case the archiving was suspended due to error, it is automatically resumed when good data is available again. The quality factor of the attribute is also stored into the historical database. One or more alarms can be configured in the Alarm System to asynchronously inform about the status of the archiving devices.

Some of the attribute configuration parameters, such as display-unit, format-string and label will also be available in the archive back-end and updated by means of the attribute configuration change event.

A mechanism to specify per-attribute archiving strategies, called context, has been defined and added to the EventSubscriber. The syntax of the AttributeList Property has been modified to support a name=value syntax for the context, except for the Attribute name; fields are separated by semicolon. Keeping the current syntax for the attribute field allows for unchanged backwards compatibility:

$ tango:// eos.01/State;strategy=RUN|SHUTDOWN

The labels for the context, are defined in a free property, and/or in the class property and/or in the device property, with increasing priority. The defaults values, as well as the default context, are pre-defined but can be modified by the user. The default values are shown in table.


Table 1: Context default labels.

Each context is exclusive, except for the ALWAYS context. An attribute configured to be run in the ALWAYS context will be archived at any time. This is why the ALWAYS context must be defined, it it is not it will be automatically added to the list of context. A new memorized attribute, named Context, written by upper layer logic, tells the archiver about the current context status or rather the required context transition. Being a memorized Attribute, the Context attribute needs to be written at least once. If not set, a warning will be displayed in the device status, and only the attributes with the ALWAYS context will be archived. This means that, once the device has been deployed, and the AttributeList pupulated with the relevant attributes to be archived, complete with the strategy, the appropriate label has to be written in Context.

The device server shall also expose some additional figures of merit such as:

  • for each instance, total number of records per time
  • for each instance, total number of failures per time
  • for each attribute, number of records per time
  • for each attribute, number of failures per time
  • for each attribute, time stamp of last record

The system can sum these numbers in a counter which can be reset every period to rank each attribute in term of data rate, error rate etc. This allows preventive maintenance and fine tuning, detecting, for instance, when an attribute is too verbose (e.g. variation threshold below the noise level). These statistics are a key element for qualifying the health of the system. All these attributes will be themselves archived to enable a follow-up versus time.

The device server must maintain at least the following operating states:

  • ON: archiving running, everything works
  • ALARM: one or more attributes faulty or the FIFO size grows above high-mark threshold
  • FAULT: all attributes faulty
  • OFF: archiving stopped

Configuration and diagnostic tools

With all the statistics kept in the device servers and the device server, the diagnostic tool can be straightforward to develop as a simple QTango or ATK GUI. This GUI will also give read access to the configuration data stored as attribute properties in the database to display the attribute polling frequency of the involved device servers, whenever available, and the archive event configuration. The HDB++ Configurator GUI is available for archiving configuration, management and diagnostics. It is written in Java. Refer to the documentation page for any additional information:

HDB++ Configuration GUI documentation Download GUI jar file

Database interface

A C++ API will be developed to address the writing and reading operations on the database and made availabile as a library. This library will provide the essential methods for accessing the database. The device servers, library and tools will eventually take advantage of the library. Actually a number of libraries are already available to encapsulate database access:

libhdb++ abstraction layer
libhdb++timescale table support, Timescaledb
libhdb++mysql table support, MySQL
libhdb++cassandra table support, Cassandra
libhdbmysql legacy HDB table support, MySQL

Table 2: Available database interfacement libraries.

Additional libraries are foreseen to support different database engines, such as Oracle, Postgres or possibly noSQL implementations.


The Cassandra Error: “All connections on all I/O threads are busy” is connected with incorrect name of Data Center. For example, the correct name is “datacenter1” but libhdbpp-cassandra have default value “DC1”. To change this value you should add to LibConfiguration property: local_dc =datacenter1

database structure

The structure of the legacy HDB is based on three tables, (adt, amt, apt) shown in appendix. In addition, one table, named att_xxxxx is created for each attribute or command to be archived. Many of the columns in the lagacy tables are used for storing HDB archiving engine configuration parameters and are no more required.

The new database structure, whose tables have been designed for the archiver, provides just the necessary columns and takes advantage of microsecond resolution support for daytime. Three SQL scripts are provided to create the necessary database structure for MySQL or Cassandra backend:

create_hdb_mysql.sql legacy HDB MySQL schema
create_hdb++_mysql.sql MySQL schema
create_hdb_cassandra.sql Cassandra schema

Table 3: Database setup scripts.

The att_conf table associates the attribute name with a unique id and selects the data type; it’s worth notice that the att_name raw always contains the complete FQDN, e.g. with the hostname and the domainname.

mysql> desc att_conf;
| Field                 | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| att_conf_id           | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| att_name              | varchar(255)     | NO   | UNI | NULL    |                |
| att_conf_data_type_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| att_ttl               | int(10) unsigned | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| facility              | varchar(255)     | NO   |     |         |                |
| domain                | varchar(255)     | NO   |     |         |                |
| family                | varchar(255)     | NO   |     |         |                |
| member                | varchar(255)     | NO   |     |         |                |
| name                  | varchar(255)     | NO   |     |         |                |

The att_conf_data_type table creates an unique ID for each data type.

mysql> desc att_conf_data_type;
| Field                 | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| att_conf_data_type_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| data_type             | varchar(255)     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| tango_data_type       | tinyint(1)       | NO   |     | NULL    |                |

The att_history table stores the timestamps relevant for archiving diagnostics together with the att_history_event. The copmplete list of supported TANGO data types is shown in table [db:datatypes]. As an example the table att_scalar_devlong_rw, for archiving one value, is also shown below. Three timestamp rows are currently supported: the datum timestamp, the receive time timestamp and the database insertion timestamp.

mysql> desc att_history;
| Field                | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| att_conf_id          | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |
| time                 | datetime(6)      | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
| att_history_event_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | NULL    |       |
mysql> desc att_history_event;
| Field                | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| att_history_event_id | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| event                | varchar(255)     | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
mysql> desc att_scalar_devlong_rw;
| Field             | Type             | Null | Key | Default                    | Extra |
| att_conf_id       | int(10) unsigned | NO   | MUL | NULL                       |       |
| data_time         | timestamp(6)     | NO   |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000 |       |
| recv_time         | timestamp(6)     | NO   |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000 |       |
| insert_time       | timestamp(6)     | NO   |     | 0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000 |       |
| value_r           | int(11)          | YES  |     | NULL                       |       |
| value_w           | int(11)          | YES  |     | NULL                       |       |
| quality           | tinyint(1)       | YES  |     | NULL                       |       |
| att_error_desc_id | int(10) unsigned | YES  | MUL | NULL                       |       |
scalar vector
att_scalar_devboolean_ro att_array_devboolean_ro
att_scalar_devboolean_rw att_array_devboolean_rw
att_scalar_devdouble_ro att_array_devdouble_ro
att_scalar_devdouble_rw att_array_devdouble_rw
att_scalar_devencoded_ro att_array_devencoded_ro
att_scalar_devencoded_rw att_array_devencoded_rw
att_scalar_devfloat_ro att_array_devfloat_ro
att_scalar_devfloat_rw att_array_devfloat_rw
att_scalar_devlong64_ro att_array_devlong64_ro
att_scalar_devlong64_rw att_array_devlong64_rw
att_scalar_devlong_ro att_array_devlong_ro
att_scalar_devlong_rw att_array_devlong_rw
att_scalar_devshort_ro att_array_devshort_ro
att_scalar_devshort_rw att_array_devshort_rw
att_scalar_devstate_ro att_array_devstate_ro
att_scalar_devstate_rw att_array_devstate_rw
att_scalar_devstring_ro att_array_devstring_ro
att_scalar_devstring_rw att_array_devstring_rw
att_scalar_devuchar_ro att_array_devuchar_ro
att_scalar_devuchar_rw att_array_devuchar_rw
att_scalar_devulong64_ro att_array_devulong64_ro
att_scalar_devulong64_rw att_array_devulong64_rw
att_scalar_devulong_ro att_array_devulong_ro
att_scalar_devulong_rw att_array_devulong_rw
att_scalar_devushort_ro att_array_devushort_ro
att_scalar_devushort_rw att_array_devushort_rw
att_scalar_double_ro att_array_double_ro
att_scalar_double_rw att_array_double_rw
att_scalar_string_ro att_array_string_ro
att_scalar_string_rw att_array_string_rw

Table 4: Supported data types.

To support temporary storage of historical data the att_ttl column has to be added to the att_conf table. The att_ttl defines the time-to-live in hours on a per-attribute basis. Deleting expired data is delegated to the SQL backend; the basic machanism foreseen is a SQL script run by cron.

The complete SQL source for all the tables is reported in appendix. The main points can be summarized as:

  • microsecond timestamp resolution
  • no per-attribute additional tables; the number of tables used is fixed and does not depend on the number of archived attributes
  • specific data type support
  • temporary storage support


There are some special OS settings to tune for Cassandra to work as expected, in particular, it is recommended to disable the SWAP and to change the resource limits on Linux, as described in this documentation page: Recommended production settings for Linux.

Deployment best practices

To take full advantage of the high performance and scaling capability of the device server some constraints have to be taken into account. Though a single instance of the device server is capable of handling thousands of events per second, the following setup is preferrable:

  • setup per-subsystem instances of the device server (homogeneous dedicated archiving)
  • possibly separate attributes that have to be archived all the time, e.g. also during maintenance periods, from attributes that are run-centric

A native tool, available to be run locally, as well as a reworked web interface (E-Giga) are foreseen. A specific library with a dedicated API could be developed to address the extraction and the be used into whatever tool may be provided: a device server, a web interface, a native graphical panel, etc. The library shall be able to deal with event based archived data. The possible lack of data inside the requested time window shall be properly managed:

  • returning some no-data-available error: in this case the reply contains no data and a no-data-available error is triggered. Care must be taken whenever the requirement of getting multiple data simultanously is foreseen.
  • enlarging the time window itself to include some archived data: the requested time interval is enlarged in order to incorporate some archived data. A mechanism shall be provided to notify the client of the modified data set. No fake samples have to be introduced to fill the values in correspondence of the requested timestamps.
  • returning the value of the last archived data anyhow: the requested time interval is kept and the last available data sample is returned. The validity of the data is guaranteed when the archiving mechanism is based on archive event on change; care must be taken when using the data in case of periodic event.

Moreover, whenever extracting multiple rows, the library shall allow to select one of the following behaviours:

  • return variable length data arrays for each row
  • return equal length data arrays for all rows, filling the gaps with the previous data value

A C++ native implementation, as well as a Java implementation, exposing the same API, are foreseen and are currently available. Please refer to the hdbextractor reference manual for the C++ implementation

and the HDB++ Java Extraction Library for Java HDB++ java-extraction-api

General remarks

Care must be taken to avoid introducing dependencies from libraries not already needed by the core.

Project references and source code

The HDB++ project page is available on GitHub.

The HDB++ source code for the archiving engine as well as the configuration tools, extraction libraries and GUI are available on
