Generating events in a device server

The server is at the origin of events. It will fire events as soon as they occur. Standard events (change, periodic and archive) are detected automatically in the polling thread and fired as soon as they are detected. The periodic events can only be handled by the polling thread. Change, Data ready and archive events can also be pushed from the device server code. To allow a client to subscribe to events of non polled attributes the server has to declare that events are pushed from the code. Three methods are available for this purpose:

1   Attr::set_change_event(bool implemented, bool detect = true);
2   Attr::set_archive_event(bool implemented, bool detect = true);
3   Attr::set_data_ready_event( bool implemented);

where implemented=true indicates that events are pushed manually from the code and detect=true (when used) triggers the verification of the same event properties as for events send by the polling thread. When setting detect=false, no value checking is done on the pushed value! The class DeviceImpl also supports the first two methods with an addictional parameter attr_name defining the attribute name.

To push events manually from the code a set of data type dependent methods can be used:

1   DeviceImpl::push_change_event (string attr_name, ....);
2   DeviceImpl::push_archive_event(string attr_name, ....);

For the data ready event, a DeviceImpl class method has to be used to push the event.

1   DeviceImpl::push_data_ready_event(string attr_name,Tango::DevLong ctr);

See the class documentation for all available interfaces.

For non-standard events a single call exists for pushing the data to the CORBA Notification Service (omniNotify). Clients who are subscribed to this event have to know what data type is in the DeviceAttribute and unpack it accordingly.

To push non-standard events, use the following api call is available to all device servers :

1   DeviceImpl::push_event( string attr_name,
2                vector<string> &filterable_names,
3                vector<double> &filterable_vals,
4                Attribute &att)

where attr_name is the name of the attribute. Filterable_names and filterable_vals represent any filterable data which can be used by clients to filter on. Here is a typical example of what a server will need to do to send its own events. We are in the read method of the Sinusoide attribute. This attribute is readable as any other attribute but an event is sent if its value is positive when it is read. On top of that, this event is sent with one filterable field called value which is set to the attribute value.

 1   void MyClass::read_Sinusoide(Tango::Attribute &attr)
 2   {
 3     ...
 4        struct timeval tv;
 5        gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
 6        sinusoide = 100 * sin( 2 * 3.14 * frequency * tv.tv_sec);
 8        if (sinusoide >= 0)
 9        {
10           vector<string> filterable_names;
11           vector<double> filterable_value;
13           filterable_names.push_back("value");
14           filterable_value.push_back((double)sinusoide);
16           push_event( attr.get_name(),
17                       filterable_names, filterable_value,
18                       &sinusoide);
19        }
20     ....
21     ....
23  }

line 13-14 : The filter pair name/value is initialised

line 16-18 : The event is pushed